Capturing Videos of Google Earth! - How To?

Capturing Videos of Google Earth! - How To?


Wegame, an application usually implemented for capturing screenshots and making videos of video games has now been updated to record videos even on Google Earth. Not only you can make high quality videos of google earth via this software but you can take high resolution screenshots too! And the most exciting thing is that it is all for free!! Yes, this software is totally free to download directly from its download page. All you have to do is just to make a totally free account on You can make this account via application also on it's first start. After installing wegame, you just have to sign into your wegame's account via application interface, and you'll be ready to capture videos of google earth. But before that, you should set your Frames per second rate as per your system's configuration so as to ensure good quality high resolution video capturing. You can do this by clicking on "settings" button in the left down corner of the application. Click on settings and you'll see the following window there.

Here, in the FPS drop down list box, set your frame capturing speed according to your system's configuration such that, if you are working on a slow machine, then keep it to 15 FPS, and if are on a really advanced high speed machinery, then change it to 30 FPS, click on "save settings" and get ready to capture videos on google earth.

Now start Google earth and you will see a green colored square box in the right hand side down corner as shown here. Click F6 to start recording the video and this box will get disappeared to assure that recording has been started, now continue with your activities on google earth which you want to record and after finishing, just press the F6 button again to stop the recording. This will make the box appeared again. Now you can check out your recorded video at your given path. Similarly you can capture screenshots also by pressing F7. You can also upload your recorded video to wegames through videos option in the software.

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